Others who inspire me



Here are links to some things I enjoy….


Teachings of the Tree People

This documentary captures some of the teachings of the late subiyay Bruce Miller, one of the most important traditional spirit leaders of the Skokomish people, in Puget Sound Country. In this video, subiyay explains the teachings of the Tree People, and role of trees as mentors to we two-leggeds. 





And…beyond trees:


My friend, writer David Laskin of Seattle who just won the Washington State Book Award for the fourth time, and deservedly so, for his most recent tour de force, The Family. The humanity of David’s voice,  thoroughness of his scholarship and writing finesse are a Mount Rainier of inspiration in our regional literary world of the Northwest…and beyond.


The Washington Native Plant Society. Discover a new plant today! If you know your plants, you know your place!









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